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OSFM Urges Immediate Fire Safety Action Following Deadly Fires
Springfield, Ill- The OSFM is urging Illinois residents to review and practice their fire escape plans while testing and inspection smoke alarms following a wave of recent deadly home fires. Sadly, since Friday, February 14, there have been 8 deadly fires claiming the lives of 10 people in Illinois.
Chicago, IL – Today, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) directed Peoples Gas to retire high-risk cast iron and ductile iron (CI/DI) pipes in the utility’s natural gas distribution system. The decision concludes the ICC’s investigation into Peoples’ long over-budget System Modernization Program (SMP) and redirects the utility to better focus its retirement work on the highest-risk pipes. The ICC paused the utility’s SMP in 2023 and launched an investigation at the start of 2024 to determine a more appropriate path to retire risk-prone pipes in compliance with federal safety recommendations.
2024 Union County Tentative Multiplier Announced
SPRINGFIELD, IL, Union County has been issued a tentative property assessment equalization factor of 1.0000, according to David Harris, director of the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR).